Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Fluffy is Missing?!

Yesterday I arrived back home after two weeks in Sweden.

I couldn't wait to see all of the cats in the colony. Jack was waiting on the back poarch and as I came into the yard the others began to come around.

Martha, Little girl, the two Freds, and Brother came to say hi. Ethel was not there and neither was Fluffy. Ethel had come around earlier in the day so I was not worried about her. Then I was told that Fluffy had not been seen since the day I left. I called him but no Fluffy. Where could he have gone? I was hoping that he did not have the same fate as his brother Boy who disappeared back in June.

Today I had to find Fluffy. He did not come around for breakfast or the late afternoon meal. I decided to go to the woods and called him. I thought I heard some rustling in the leaves but it was not him. I called and called, no Fluffy. I went back in and not more than 5 minutes later, who comes out of the woods is Fluffy and Ethel. I fixed another plate of food and they came running. I was glad to see that he was alright. Earlier I heard gunfire from someone hunting and prayed it wasn't any of the cats. I am thankfull that they are all alright and still around.

It will be a long time before I go on another vacation away from home!


Blogger Marietta Zervou said...

Hi Zoe,
Welcome home!

I was releaved to read that you found Fluffy. I know how you must have felt when you couldn't find him...

All well, then. Enjoy your home and your kitty cats!

Yes, can you imagine my humble little painting making it in Rachel's new CD? Let's not get carried away, lol. And I'm not sure she's seen it...


Thu Nov 10, 05:53:00 AM GMT-5  

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